Thursday, 10 September 2009

Resarch - CD Covers

Fat Freddys Drop - Dr Boondigga and the BIG BW

Above are a series of images of the front/booklet and back cover of Fat Freddys Drop record 'Dr Boondigga and the BIG BW'. It is a very image based design that is continuous through out. The front is designed on the basic of the title, as we can see an illustration of the Dr named, and the BIG BW mentioned. Inside is a mention of who the band are, and a thankyou from the artist. And other than some illustrations that seem to set the stage for a story, that is all there is in the simplisticly designed booklet. However, I really like the idea of just images carrying on the story that seems to be present, as it is simplistic and slightly unique.
The back cover just continues this, with the illustration of perhaps a secret hideaway, and a mention of the track listing. The illustration is not crude, but is not perfect, and I really like the illustration, and the sort of comic book effect that is created.
Kanye West - Late Registration

Above are a series of images of the front, back, and inside covers of Kanye West record 'Late Registration'.

As evident, images are predominantly throughout. In this case, it is of a bear/guy in bear suit. This is because this record is the second of 3 that follow a theme of college (the first record named 'The College Dropout', and the third named 'Graduation'). The bear is featured heavily throughout these 3 record covers, and this is an example of artists creating a story, and continuing it through this form of advertisement.

The use of font is interesting in the way that somne of the letters are in upper case when it seems they should not be, and vica versa with lower case. This is where it says the artist's name, 'kanYeWest', and this is perhaps to seem unique. This is something I will need to do with an interesting font to present the name DoBERMAN.

In the booklet, there are credits for each song, something I may need to consider, and many pictures continuing the idea of a bear in the school. The font on the credits is very simple, as it makes them easier to read.

The front cover shows the front of the bear, coming through some large doors, and the back cover shows the back of the bear, going back through. This is a nice touch, and something I may need to consider as an option when creating my CD case/cover, as, along with the booklet, it helps create a sense of continuity.

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