Thursday, 9 July 2009

Research - Music Video Analysis of 'Young Folks' by Peter, Bjorn & John.

I chose to analyse 'Young Folks' by Peter, Bjorn & John, because it is an animated music video, similar to the type of video I'd like to create. Although the music is dissimilar to the music I shall be using, the animation is something I can take great inspiration from, along with the rest of the video.

Firstly, Negus' theory of organic ideology is displayed in the fact that, we never see the band in person, and so they are not sold on their image. Although we see drawn characters who seem to be performing, the audience do not necessarily know if this is the artist, and therefore there is a much stronger focus on the music rather than the artists image. This follows Negus' theory as the band are not being manufactured by the record company, but instead have their music sell records, not a fake, plastic image often associated with a synthetic ideology.

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